Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Years Resolutions 2009 Recap

I'm big on goals. I love the feeling of direction they give me. Goals for me are just dreams unless I keep myself accountable so here are my last years goals and how I think I did:

Goal #1: Keep up the goals I had last year
Kept at least 2...wish I remembered the rest :)

Goal #2: Obviously take off the baby weight. Not just Beckham's, but the 10 pounds from building our house and the 10 pounds that was left from Caleb. We really live in such a great outdoor adventure area so I want to do this with running, biking, and eating fresh and healthy. No crash diets, a healthier lifestyle.
Didn't get where I wanted to get but I still did pretty good. Since having Beckham I have lost 56 pounds. About 22 of that came off in the first 4 weeks, the rest of the 34 I worked hard for.

Goal #3: Relax and enjoy the good things in my life. I have so many blessing and sometimes I look to the future to much and this year I want to live more in the moment. I want to let go of the things that don't matter and hold onto and enjoy the things that do.
Did pretty good. Its something that takes a lot of reminding but I have played more with the kids, spent more time with them one on one and paid attention better.

Goal #4: Be more positive and less critical, especially of myself
Not so much. Still struggling- especially with criticizing myself!

Goal #5: The new skill I want to develop this year is photography
I'm learning! I have come a LONG way. I still have a lot to learn but I'm signing up for a couple classes and am excited to keep going.

Just about finished up my 2010 goals and will post those in a few days.

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