Thursday, October 22, 2009

Engineering is in our blood

Lets just say that on my side of the family there are some people that might be lovingly referred to as "geeks." Yes, I know you're shocked, but really us Robers can be a little geeky. John gives a chuckle when the boys in my Family start talking about the stock market and Brian is talking about the Fed, or how Mark is always giving us mind teasers, or my Dads famous "how does it know?" (Oops I outed the geeks...although since I started the sentence with "John gives a chuckle", I'm pretty sure I fit in that category too)

Ive been discovering lately that it has passed most assuredly to our middle child.

Davis is S-M-A-R-T.

Like really smart.

He can tell you all of the letters with their sounds. He can count. He can do some math already. He was writing his letters on the shower door in the steam. I have a hard time explaining it but he problem solves things. You can see him work it out in little mind.

Ive always wanted to hold him back in school because I didn't want him to be the youngest and the smallest in sports because he has Johns heart for sports. But academically he can do more than a lot of kids in Caleb's Kindergarten class and this is before he has done preschool.

What can I say he is the whole so good lookin'.
He does communicate like an engineer though.


Sara said...

The whole package right there. There are going to be a lot of broken hearts with this boy around.

Grandma Caroline said...

Yep, I always said that boy was the most like his Uncle Mark- in every geeky, non-communicating way there is! And just as charming.

SLO Rober said...

Welcome to the club little man.