Friday, November 13, 2009

What the world needs to learn from my boys....

John had to go to Salt Lake for work overnight. As we knelt to pray the boys were sad that Dad wasn't there. Caleb looked at me and said,

"its just not the same without a Dad."

Davis murmured an agreeing "Yeah."

True words my boys, don't ever forget them when you are a Dad!


Grandma Caroline said...

AMEN, AMEN and AMEN! I grew up with no dad, I really didn't know what I was missing, but I was grateful to have a grama that helped me learn so much. I'm so glad my children keep their spouses close and cherish them, Good work!

Raelyn said...

Spoken, as only kids can! With the heart that we lose sight of along the way somewhere. Wise beyond their years...for sure!
Brought tears to my eyes!