Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What am I REALLY thankful for?

(photo credits: Caleb Henderson)

I thought about this all morning long.

Of course I am thankful for my family and my Faith...but I really wanted to think about what means the most to me this year specifically that I couldn't go without.

I think the answer is health. Not just physical health but mental health too. To be well, in mind, body, and spirit. There is always room to improve but from last year to this year I am in a very different place.

To start off with the obvious...weight. Since I delivered Beckham I have lost 60 pounds. It feels great. I still have 28 more pounds to lose but I feel great about how far I have come. I enjoy feeling healthy.

The not so obvious is my mental health. Some people know about my struggles but a year ago I told John it feels like there are two devils on my shoulders (you know, like in cartoons where the angel is on one shoulder and the devil is on the other talking to the character). Only I had two devils and had horrible thoughts coming from who knows where. My hormones are now mostly balanced. I feel like the happy optimistic person that I was before. My head feels clear.

I also am super excited to be using alternative medicines again to keep us well. I have been using essential oils on our family and love the effect that I feel come from using the earth to provide us with the things we need to be well. I should have never told John about my experience of dancing in a drum circle in Liberty Park with a snake around my neck. He has never stopped making fun of me for being a closet hippie. But the reality is that I love alternative medicine and I believe that there is so much we can do to help prevent disease instead of just treat it. So maybe I am a bit of a hippie but he also is loving the oils so he doesn't make fun of me anymore! I feel empowered about my health.

I just feel well. Its been a while for me and I don't want to take it for granted. Every day is a new day and not every day is perfect but at least I feel like everyday I am prepared physically, mentally, and spiritually for the trials that come my way.

I am well. That makes me very thankful!


Mae said...

I'm so glad you're feeling emotionally and mentally well! I can testify that mental stability is a struggle, for me at least! I am SOOO thankful for modern medicine to help me cope!

Mark and/or Lisa said...

60 lbs is a big deal... that's like 4 Thanksgiving turkeys!!! Good luck with the last 30 and glad you're feeling better. I like the closet too and it was cool to see Carrie again, pictorially at least.

Grandma Caroline said...

Lisa, we are on a roll together, I feel better and more healthy than I have for years! Let's all go into 2010 with a positive attitude for our blessings. We are not perfect yet, but we are on the way!