Friday, April 17, 2009

Vacation recap Day 1

Caleb went to Disneyland with Grandma because he turned 5 this year. Its something she does with each of the Grand kids. Every boy should be able to go to Disneyland with Grandma and get to eat anything their little heart desires and I mean anything. Here is what Caleb consumed...
  • Chicken
  • Bread
  • Cheetos
  • ice cream
  • churro
  • sucker
  • popcorn
Plus Grandma buys him the souvenirs that Mom always says no to. Like the big balloons. Because if Mom is going to spend THAT much money on something, it better last. See what I mean, every boy should be able to have one day where Mom isn't there to do the "logical" or "sensible" thing.

He had a great time and Grandma was a trooper and even went on Star Tours, twice with him. And of course being the sweet Caleb that he is, he even got Grandma to bring home a balloon for Davis.

1 comment:

Grandma Caroline said...

It was a day I will always treasure in my heart! You do have a very, very sweet boy there, he reminds me so much of your brother Mark.