Saturday, September 12, 2009

We interrupt this vacation message....

I have a blogging friend over at the r house blog. I really like her and her blog. Her personality reminds me of mine a little bit. She is a very passionate person and not afraid to be a little feisty. She empowers me. Yesterday she had to go to court. Brief summation of why:

They adopted baby
Father decided to contest it
Gavin is now 1 and happy in their home
Birth mother wants him to be adopted
They went to court

She isn't really optimist about how it ended in the courtroom and now they just have to await the judges decision.

Her lawyer knowing how worried she is told her that
"judges respond to prayer."
Will you join me in praying for the judge to feel the truth?

Seriously I cant imagine what it would be like to wait to see if you get to keep your baby, the baby you have raised since he was days old.

Ive tried and it just makes me physically ill.

We had an experience a few days before we left on vacation where John couldn't find a very important contract at work and he was freaking out when we all went to lunch. Caleb really wanted to go to work to help him and was sad that he couldn't go to work and look for it. So I told him that when we want to help someone but cant we can pray and Heavenly Father can help them for us. So we said a prayer that Daddy could find the papers and right about that time at work John found them.

Caleb's faith is perfect, it never occurred to him that his prayer would not be answered.

My faith- I was wondering what I would tell Caleb if John didn't find the papers.

I'm going to take my own advice and pray for someone I want to help but cant actually help myself.

Perhaps I need to put Caleb's perfect faith at work.

Join me please!

I will keep you posted.


Lawther family said...

I will pray for this baby. What a sad situation.
Don't you love the faith of a child? It amazes me. Take care and have fun on the rest of your vacation. And keep us posted on this story and we will keep them in our prayers.

Mark and/or Lisa said...

That's really, really messed. Up similar situation happened to our friend out here.