Sunday, September 20, 2009

Soccer season starts!

Yea! It soccer time!What a difference a year makes.

Last year Caleb was running in circles and wouldn't get in the action. This year he actually went for the ball and got in the action! He is #2 just like his Daddy was.

The focus
Ohhh and he got that really handsome coach that he had last year too ;)

His cheering section...
Decked out to cheer for another team that we don't really want to talk about!

Best part is still Capri Sun and fruit snacks!


Wheeler Bunch said...

What? No bright yellow/green shirts this year!?

Boons said...

Looks like he and all your boys are having fun! Caleb is growing up so fast!

The Hamlin Family said...

Isn't soccer fun??? Are you guys playing out in Hurricane??? Looks like you guys have been busy with soccer, school, and Cali...our trip is coming up and I can't wait!!!

PS...Your little Beckham is growing up and getting so big. All three of your boys are adorable!!!

Sara said...

So your saying there is some hope that Mason will actually like it next and play year?

SLO Rober said...

How fun!