Wednesday, September 24, 2008

No more news!

Ive decided that until this pregnancy is over I'm DONE with the news. We obviously don't get it on TV but I visit news sites on the Internet. While I think its good to be informed I just feel its so overwhelming right now! Perhaps if I wasn't 6 months pregnant trying to stay calm I would feel differently but seriously I cant handle any more missing toddlers, or newborns found dead, stock markets crashes, companies failing, political parties worrying more about elections than helping normal American people, idiotic celebrities who think playing pretend in movies makes them extremely wise in politics, and not to mention a very heated presidential election that I am disappointed in BOTH parties ability to lie, twist, and stretch their opponents words!

Am I generally a very informed person...yes. Is now the right time for me? NO! So if there is something huge that I really need to know, will someone please call me!?! Oh I would also appreciate a call on November 6th telling me who the next president is!


Mae said...

I hear you! I decided while living in Seattle that I was done with the news, newspapers, and current events. Somehow, I still keep up with the big stuff (hurricanes, etc) from the MSN homepage, but I don't actually read the articles, I just see the sentence and then listen to people in crowded places.

I am a MUCH happier person!

Evenson Fam said...

Me too. I am glad we don't have tv for that reason. And personally it makes me feel better to just not know about the shootings going on down the street...

The Henderson Family said...

Its stressful for anyon so I can only imaginewhat you man! Good luck!

Annie said...

I agree! I know if there's any big stuff Jordan will let me know so I'm steering clear.

Mark and/or Lisa said...

That's probably a pretty general rule I would do well to live by.