Monday, September 29, 2008

Fall Primary Program 2008

Today Caleb was in his second Primary Program and he was awesome! It is so fun to watch him sit up there and this time he even knew the words to about 2/3's of the songs. He also did all the sign language for As I have loved you. You could tell there were some signs he didn't know and was just following the chorister but you could also tell that there were a lot that he knew by himself. It was very fun for us to watch him and when he knew we were watching he would smile so big for us! What a man and what a difference a year makes from when he was a sunbeam and didn't have a clue what was going on!

Davis was a little jealous that Caleb was getting his picture taken and so we let him jump in on the action! We also had our ward diced up today. I think they split us up into 3 different wards. They added 2 new wards to our stake and we were pretty sure we were going to go to one of the brand new wards but we live about 100 yrds from the ward boundary and are now in the 13th Ward that was already in existence. We are excited and especially excited because we move to a brand new building right after conference. They even kept us at 1:00 which is great because Davis can nap before church and then in the new year we will be 9:00 which is also a great time because then he can nap afterwards!


Grandma Caroline said...

I love Primary Programs! I so wish we could video them so the Grandma and Grandpas could see it!

SLO Rober said...

Sharped Dressed Man!