Sunday, April 27, 2008

One sick boy...

Our poor Davis just cant seem to get better. The kid was never sick and then we took him to his 18 months check up (a little late) and he cant get healthy since. First it was a cold that turned into the worst cough you have ever heard, then more severe cold, now its a fever and things spewing from every part of his body. He just lays around on the floor, the couch, or on us and is just so skinny to hold since hes not eating. Not that he doesn't want to, he cries for food. In fact last night he had kept some food down and so we were letting him eat a little dinner. Half way through he threw up and then started to try to chow down more food. At least its made him talk a little since hes pretty much mute. I gave him a little glass of water and he handed me the cup back and demanded, "More!"
Last night he also had a little bit of a diaper experience that ended up on the carpet, dripped all down the hall, in the bathroom, and splattered on the walls and baseboards. Its been so nice to have John home to help with all of this since Davis who use to be such a big mamas boy now is only interested in his Daddy.
Anyway we will all get healthy sometime I'm sure. Today I would describe motherhood as the ability to blog and talk about bodily fluids as if its a normal and interesting conversation topic that everyone is interested in! Sorry for those who didn't want to hear about all of that!


Mae said...

Poor Davis! I'll keep him (and you and your carpet!) in my prayers!

Hailey said...

Poor little guy! It's the worst feeling, as a mother, when they are sick and you can't do anything to help them. I'm sorry, I hope he gets better soon. Poor kid.

Grandma Caroline said...

That's why I love blogs! When I was a young mom and had no way of sharing those moments, it was really frustrating and now of course I don't remember anything. I do hope Davis gets better soon, it's no fun to be sick.