What our children teach us...
- This morning while laying in bed with all the boys Beckham started to get fussy so I said "hurry Caleb run and grab me his binkie..." Caleb sighed got up and while he was walking away said in a sing song type of voice, "only if you say please!"
- Costco went to the new earth friendly milk jugs which is great for saving the earth but horrible for a 5 year old who is learning to pour milk. So yesterday in our loooooong walmart trip i found a little jug that I thought would be perfect for him to pour milk out of. I was so excited this morning and I showed him his own new milk jug. He poured him and Davis milk in their cereal and in their glasses and then put the milk jug up to his mouth and took a hug drink out of it! I told him it was not to drink out of but that it was his milk jug. As he went to put it back in the fridge again under his breath but this time with a little resentment in it he said, "Dad drinks out of the milk jug"
funny kid...
Haha. Man, I'm going to be in trouble as soon as Kam starts picking up on my habits too.
Why is it that the Dads think their habbits aren't noticed???? I am positive that our children don't even see what we mothers ever did to help them become responisble adults, but they can remember EVERYTHING dad ever did, good and bad! So, dads, watch your 'cute' habits.
That one gave me a good laugh!
That is hillarious!
They are just little sponges!
Especially for the things you don't want them to pick up on.
Funny Funny! It is always amazing to me what kids pick up on. Brecken and Caleb are growing up so much! I can't believe it! It seems like just yesterday they were driving trains and swimming in arizona. now they will be starting kindergarten soon!
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