Saturday, October 11, 2008

How the economy is affecting Christmas this year...

Ive been around a lot conversations where when discussing the economic state of things people have expressed how things are going to be a lot leaner for Christmas this year, myself included. Ive been doing a lot of thinking on that because yes, there probably will be less under trees this year, but I think Ive come to the conclusion that I don't think its a bad thing.

I know for John and I at least this economic recession does have us worried. In fact it has us so worried that we have found ourselves on our knees more, praying for wisdom and to be taken care of during this hard time. We have felt so much self-reliance in the past that we now are coming to a point where we are remembering that what we have is really a blessing and that we need to be relying on our Heavenly Father and our Savior for everything and not boasting in our own strength and wisdom.

I have found that as I think of gifts I want to give to our friends and our family, because there is less money to spend, I'm giving them more thought. I'm making things, we had a garage sale to add to our Christmas funds, I'm shopping sales and planning ahead of time. With less money I'm putting more into the gifts that were giving and its making them so much more meaningful. Its making me look forward so much more to giving gifts and the joy it brings.

We also are learning that some of our "needs" are really wants. Each year Desert Industries takes nice toy donations and sets them aside for a night where needy families can come and shop for Christmas for their children. Each year we choose some toys that we can do without and clean them up nice and take them down. Its amazing that this year, when there is a fear of having less, I'm finding I want to donate more. We are learning to do without as much and wanting to share more for those that are in worse circumstances that ourselves.

I guess that's what I have been thinking about the most, is that Christmas is a time for Peace on Earth and Goodwill towards men. I wish there was more peace on earth but I also find that my heart is filled with more compassion as I see those around me suffering and in need. Our Savior was born into the most humble of circumstances and I feel that this year perhaps being more humble as a country ourselves, we can be more in tune with what the real meaning of Christmas is.

Regardless of what is under our tree this year, I know that we have grown closer as a family. We definitely have grown closer to our Savior and our Father in Heaven. We will be anxiously waiting for Beckham to join us and the joy that a new life brings. We just appreciate all the things we do have so much more because we are learning to simplify and remember what really matters...Faith, Family, Friends.

So will there be less this year...I'm starting to think that there will be so much more this year and that this will be one of the most meaningful Christmas' ever!


Mae said...

I really appreciate this post. One of my pet peeves is the commercialism that has overtaken Christmas. At work each Christmas, I would be asked (by middle aged people!) "What did you get for Christmas this year? Anything good?"

I would usually respond with, "I had a really nice Christmas. My whole family was able to get together."

Mark and/or Lisa said...

Good points. Mae I like to respond with, "Isn't the real question what did I GIVE this year?" said in my wisest, most sage-like voice. To which most people respond "no".

The Henderson Family said...

I totally agree and have been feeling the same way!

Grandma Caroline said...

I agree whole heartedly, this year is going to be very special as we all think more about what we are giving rather than what we are getting. It's always hardest on the little children who don't totally understand. But as adults we can certainly help them to understand. I'm glad your generation is more in tune with the Spirit than my generation is.

Wheeler Bunch said...

Nicely said. I think this whole economy experience has helped people realize, including myself, how much we live in excess. I am so looking forward to Christmas this year. We have put a lot more thought into it this year instead of just kind of seeing it come and go. Thank you for your thoughts!

SLO Rober said...

I agree with you. I hate the frantic rat race of "more"! And our kids have been so blessed already they are not going to notice a difference, because we will all be together. I think my kids will be thrilled to open a box of sugar cereal that we never let them buy during the year!

Sara said...

Thank you so much for this post! I also agree with everything you say and appreciate the spirit in which it was said. I think we have the potential to have the best Christmas yet with our families as we truly focus on others and the Savior.