Sunday, June 8, 2008

Nacho Libre moves

This last Friday night we watched Nacho Libre for movie night. We have an editing DVD player so since it was PG we thought it would be okay for the whole family and the kids loved it. It was so funny because as soon as the movie ended both of the kids took their stuffed animals and started wrestling them. We got the tail end on camera but they weren't doing the body slams anymore. Why oh why do kids have to stop the cute things they do when you pull out the camera. The second video was of them "jumping off the ropes." They drag their little table over to the pillows and jump off as high as they can. We thought it was pretty funny that they are into wrestling now.


Evenson Fam said...

Hilarious! Those boys are too cute! By the way I love the quotes on your blog, do they change everyday?

Boons said...

Funny boys! They're so cute!

SLO Rober said...

That's hilarious. They look like they are having so much fun. Glad we got to see it.

Grandma Caroline said...

I love to see the movies you take on your blog, it's like we are sharing that experience with you and we love to watch the grandkids be kids!

The Henderson Family said...

They are so cute! Chris can't wait for that age!

Sara said...

Oh man, Mason would have a ball playing at your house. He's always polling the cushions off the couch and jumping off onto them.

How do you like your editing dvd player? Is it the clearplay one? I hear about those on the radio and so want one!