Sunday, May 22, 2011

Davis' Magic trick

A couple of weeks ago Davis told me he wanted to show me a magic trick. He said he needed the droppers so I got the droppers from our science kit. But he didn't want those ones he wanted the other droppers that went like this (upside pinching motion). I could not figure out what he was talking about so I asked him to draw me a picture of what he was talking about (mostly to distract him). I was amazed what he came back with.
I knew immediately that he meant food coloring. I was amazed at his ability to remember the colors of the droppers and to express it so well in pictures. I will be using this technique more often when I am having a hard time understanding what he is talking about.

He got a couple glasses of water and told me he needed the red and blue colors. I asked him where he had seen the magic trick and he said in Primary - which had been 3 days earlier. Davis' mind and attention to detail amaze me each day.

Ta- da! Purple!
(which I was to busy clapping to get a picture of)

I then proceeded to show him all the magic we could make with food coloring!

He loved it. He preformed another magic show for the rest of the family that night and amazed with his magic abilities. The best part was after we had orange, green, and purple the boys were so excited to see what each of them tasted like. After each taste they would exclaim - "it tastes like orange water. Oh this one tastes like green water!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great drawing Davis, I knew exactly what it was when I saw the picture too! :)